An sich ist Fishing Clash ein tolles Spiel mit Suchtfaktor. Es macht Spaß und auch die Grafik ist super. Nur leider frustriert es auch schnell: Manche Fische/Köderkarten sind ohne Kauf überhaupt nicht zugänglich und die meisten Wettbewerbe drehen sich dann um genau diese Fische, die man normal nicht beangeln kann. Das macht keinen Spaß. Die Preise im Shop sind zudem unverschämt!!!
Über die App
Have you ever had fish on your brain, but you couldn't go to your favorite fishing spots? Catching fish wasn’t fun enough in some casual fishing games? Play Fishing Clash – a free realistic fishing simulation game chosen by millions of anglers!
Fishing Clash mixes the best features of multiplayer fishing games: the realism of simulator games, the competitiveness of sports games & the social aspect of fishing and hunting apps. It's like a fishing forecast app in the virtual world where every angler can compete with others. Offering various fishing spots worldwide, it's the most realistic multiplayer simulation game amongst free fishing games.
How to catch a fish in this fishing simulator?
• Launch the game.
• Tap the cast button in the bottom-right corner of the game.
• Keep tapping the strike button continuously to ensure the line tension indicator is in the top bar center.
• Enjoy the look of the fish on your hook!
What's next in Fishing Clash?
• Start catching more fish or win duels in pvp game mode.
• Take part in multiplayer challenges and championships.
• Win Lure Cards and upgrade them to level up and unlock new fishing spots!
A game with dozens of fisheries worldwide
From Florida Coast & Kenai River to Lake Biwa, Galapagos & Loch Ness – in this multiplayer simulation game, you can find a fishery almost everywhere globally and lots of different fish like bass, carp, trout, shark, and even some monster fish from the Deep Sea.
Fish smart
Collect lure cards like in CCG & upgrade them to catch bigger fish! The greatest ones let you win competitive multiplayer games, master angler & world cup tournaments – that's something you won't find neither in free fishing apps nor in the other multiplayer fishing games!
Real-time duels simulator
Feel the thrill of multiplayer games and play a fishing duel against other anglers. You need skills to catch a fish and brains and strategy to win duels. Master skills & win every multiplayer fishing battle in the pvp game mode.
Take part in live events
Visit different fishing spots & hunt for amazing rewards like new rods, Lure Cards, and skill tokens. Pass the fishing trial, challenge angry sharks, become a catfish hunter or a traveler catching the biggest fish on a few different fishing spots!
Join or create a clan
Although Fishing Clash is a simulator at its heart, it enables ways to socialize like in free fishing apps. Meet fellow anglers, exchange lure cards for different fishing spots & work together for great rewards in multiplayer Clan Wars.
Catching fish with your skills
All fishing spots have their skill tree. Use skill tokens to unlock new skills and get bonuses to particular fish species, fish rarity, and more! Advance to fishing master league while competing in different pvp game modes.
Breathtaking fishing spots
Whether you prefer flick fishing, ice fishing, or trolling, you'll admire the look of all fishing points. Every fishery in Fishing Clash features beautiful 3D vistas and hand-crafted fish you'll love to see on your fishing hook. It's a realistic simulator, after all.
Regular, nice and new content!
New fish, new fishery, new rods – in this realistic simulator, you can find new content every week as there's no shortage of fish to catch!
A game you can’t miss in 2022
Whether you're a seasoned fish angler or casual multiplayer games fan, Fishing Clash is a great choice. With tens of fishing spots worldwide and hundreds of fish species, it offers one of the best experiences among free fishing games. Don't look for any other free simulator. DOWNLOAD NOW and catch the trophy fish, angler! Game on!
Fishing Clash
Fishing Clash mixes the best features of multiplayer fishing games: the realism of simulator games, the competitiveness of sports games & the social aspect of fishing and hunting apps. It's like a fishing forecast app in the virtual world where every angler can compete with others. Offering various fishing spots worldwide, it's the most realistic multiplayer simulation game amongst free fishing games.
How to catch a fish in this fishing simulator?
• Launch the game.
• Tap the cast button in the bottom-right corner of the game.
• Keep tapping the strike button continuously to ensure the line tension indicator is in the top bar center.
• Enjoy the look of the fish on your hook!
What's next in Fishing Clash?
• Start catching more fish or win duels in pvp game mode.
• Take part in multiplayer challenges and championships.
• Win Lure Cards and upgrade them to level up and unlock new fishing spots!
A game with dozens of fisheries worldwide
From Florida Coast & Kenai River to Lake Biwa, Galapagos & Loch Ness – in this multiplayer simulation game, you can find a fishery almost everywhere globally and lots of different fish like bass, carp, trout, shark, and even some monster fish from the Deep Sea.
Fish smart
Collect lure cards like in CCG & upgrade them to catch bigger fish! The greatest ones let you win competitive multiplayer games, master angler & world cup tournaments – that's something you won't find neither in free fishing apps nor in the other multiplayer fishing games!
Real-time duels simulator
Feel the thrill of multiplayer games and play a fishing duel against other anglers. You need skills to catch a fish and brains and strategy to win duels. Master skills & win every multiplayer fishing battle in the pvp game mode.
Take part in live events
Visit different fishing spots & hunt for amazing rewards like new rods, Lure Cards, and skill tokens. Pass the fishing trial, challenge angry sharks, become a catfish hunter or a traveler catching the biggest fish on a few different fishing spots!
Join or create a clan
Although Fishing Clash is a simulator at its heart, it enables ways to socialize like in free fishing apps. Meet fellow anglers, exchange lure cards for different fishing spots & work together for great rewards in multiplayer Clan Wars.
Catching fish with your skills
All fishing spots have their skill tree. Use skill tokens to unlock new skills and get bonuses to particular fish species, fish rarity, and more! Advance to fishing master league while competing in different pvp game modes.
Breathtaking fishing spots
Whether you prefer flick fishing, ice fishing, or trolling, you'll admire the look of all fishing points. Every fishery in Fishing Clash features beautiful 3D vistas and hand-crafted fish you'll love to see on your fishing hook. It's a realistic simulator, after all.
Regular, nice and new content!
New fish, new fishery, new rods – in this realistic simulator, you can find new content every week as there's no shortage of fish to catch!
A game you can’t miss in 2022
Whether you're a seasoned fish angler or casual multiplayer games fan, Fishing Clash is a great choice. With tens of fishing spots worldwide and hundreds of fish species, it offers one of the best experiences among free fishing games. Don't look for any other free simulator. DOWNLOAD NOW and catch the trophy fish, angler! Game on!
Bewertungen und Rezensionen
Anfangs bot das Spiel eine Menge Spaß und vom Aufbau her, ist es ein gutes Spiel. Allerdings ist es leider zu einem "pay-to-win" - Spiel geworden. Die vorgegebenen Ziele sind ebenso eine Katastrophe. Den Duellmodus kann man sich mittlerweile auch sparen, da man nur Gegner bekommt, die mit ihren Köderverbesserungen bei weitem besser sind. Schade um das einst gute Spiel...
Ten Square Games 2023-12-21
Hello! We are sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy our game. We encourage you to contact us directly via in game Help Center. We will be more than happy to assist you :)
Ich weiß gar nicht wo ich anfangen soll. Habe das Spiel knapp 5 Jahre gespielt. Es hat mir immer sehr viel Spaß gemacht, was aber wohl daran lag, dass ich sehr viel Geld investiert hatte und so erfolgreich war. Die Geldgier wurde von TSG aber immer größer. Fast täglich neue Spezialfische und fast monatlich neue Angelgebiete, bei denen man nur erfolgreich ist wenn man ordentlich investiert. Der sogenannte VIP Chat funktioniert nicht mehr, wenn man zwei Woche nichts gekauft hat. Sehr schade
Ten Square Games 2024-01-01
Hello. Thank you for leaving a comment about the game. We are sorry that you are not happy with it. We would love to make it better. Please contact us directly at or via the in-game app.
Wie kann ein Spiel 4,6☆ haben wenn es (zu recht) nur mit 1☆ bewertet wird? Das Spiel ist reine Abzocke geworden. Man kann pro Tag ca. 400 Euro für inApp Käufe ausgeben und ohne zu investieren nichts erreichen. Die Ziele sind so utopisch hoch angesetzt, dass man sie nicht schaffen kann und das hat auch nichts mit Spielspaß zutun. Ständige Bugs und Abstürze sind ebenso an der Tagesordnung. Die Geldgierigen Entwickler sollten sich schämen. Deinstallieren und gut is.
Ein nettes Spiel für Zwischendurch, das aber ziemlich komplex werden kann - zumindest in den ersten gut 40 Stufen. Danach fängt die Spielmechanik ganz offen an, die Bedingungen für Spieler ohne Absicht einen Haufen Euros ausgeben zu wollen, ins Negative zu verschieben. Die notwendigen Köderkarten bekommt man plötzlich nur noch in unmöglich gestalteten Wettbewerben oder kann sie im Shop gegen Euros erwerben... ebenso in den Duellen, in den die Gegner mit der 3 bis 30-fachen Erfahrung antreten
Ten Square Games 2023-11-12
Hello! We are really sorry you are not satisfied with the game at this point. We would love to make it better. Please let us know how we could do so by describing your problem in detail here: or via the in-game app.
Die Gegnerzuweisung ist sehr schlecht gemacht. Es wird nach gleicher Anzahl Trophäen gesucht, aber die tatsächliche Punktzahl(und dementsprechend die Stärke des Spielers) und meine eigene gehen dabei völlig auseinander. Man ist regelmäßig chancenlos und wartet nur noch ab, bis der "Abbrechen-Button" erscheint...
Ten Square Games 2023-11-06
Hi! We are very sorry you were not satisfied with the game. We would love to help. Please contact us directly via the in-game app or here: We’ll be awaiting your message.
Ist immer noch gut für zwischendurch, aber wenn man ein Duell macht , kann man meistens nur abbrechen , weil der Gegner zu hohe Kraft hat und dadurch Fische mit einer höheren Punktzahl angeln kann , das ist ziemlich UNFAIR !! bin kurz davor das Game zu deinstallieren weil bei Duellen zum beispiel 3 Mio. Kraft gegeben 42 Mio. keinen Fairen Kampf zulässt
Ten Square Games 2024-01-01
Hi! We are very sorry you were not satisfied with the game. We would love to help. Please contact us directly via the in-game app or here: We’ll be awaiting your message.